
How do I sign up as an Independent Dental Hygienist on the platform?
Simply download the app, follow the identity verification process by providing the necessary information. Once your account is verified, you can start booking dental operatories. You pay rental fees to the Dental Practice Hosts via the Collab app.
How does Collab verify Hygienists?
Using your registration number we verify your credentials with the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario. We also require a valid form of photo ID, a copy of your professional liability insurance, a copy of your commercial general liability insurance, and a current resume.
Why do I need Commercial General Liability Insurance?
It is best practice when you are operating a business within someone else’s space. It is also strongly recommended by Association practice advisors for all Independent Hygienists to carry this. Check out our linktree for resources on where to get this type of insurance.
Can I book operatories in advance?
Yes, you can book operatories in advance. The Collab platform allows you to search for available slots and make bookings for future dates up to 12 months in advance.
How much does it cost?
Hourly booking fees are $7.50+HST, payable upon booking approval. Hourly rental fees are currently $75+HST and are payable on the appointment day. Cancel 48 hours ahead for booking fee refunds; regrettably, no refunds of booking fee within 48 hours of the appointment.
Can I bring my own instruments if I prefer?
Dental Practice Host offices will provide instruments/trays however, if you choose to, you can bring your own instruments. Please discuss this with the Dental Practice Host in advance to ensure compatibility with the operatory’s setup.
What do I need to bring?
You will need to bring PPE, prophy paste, fluoride varnish, and any other billable consumables. Dental Practice Hosts will provide basic tray and room set ups with barriers.
How do I communicate with the Dental Practice Host?
You can communicate with the Dental Practice Host directly through Collab’s messaging system once your booking has been accepted.
How do I handle infection control and sterilization?
Maintaining proper infection control and sterilization protocols is your responsibility. Some Dental Practice Hosts prefer to do their own reprocessing of instruments and others will provide a guideline on their reprocessing steps. If it is provided, it will be listed under “Amenities” in the Dental Practice Host listing.
My client needs an exam or treatment from a dentist, what do I do?
To ensure Dental Practice Hosts’ participation, we ask that you refer to the Host Dentist (it is ultimately up to the client to decide on what provider they want to see). Referring to the Dental Practice Host assists in maintaining a good working relationship so they continue offering their space on the Collab platform.
What if I encounter issues during use of the operatory?
You are required to promptly notify the Dental Practice Host within the first 15 minutes of each appointment if something is missing, damaged or malfunctioning.
What if I encounter technical difficulties with the app?
You can reach out to our customer support team via email or phone (416-419-0201). We are here to assist you with any problems you encounter.
Are there any restrictions on the type of treatment I can perform?
You should only practice within your scope in accordance with the CDHO. Fabrication of mouthguards/bleaching trays cannot be accommodated at this time.
Can I bring an assistant or team member with me?
We would advise you to communicate with the Dental Practice Host in advance and ensure that the operatory can accommodate additional personnel.
How do I provide feedback about my experience?
We value your feedback! You can provide feedback and rate your experience with the Dental Practice Host and the operatory after completing your appointments. Your input helps us improve the platform.
Can I offer my services in different locations?
Currently, our platform is operational in the Greater Toronto Area. We are actively working to expand to new locations, so stay tuned for updates on additional services areas.
How do I document my clinical notes?
There are a number of practice management software tools available for Independent Hygienists or you can choose to keep manual records. You are required to follow all documentation and record-keeping protocols set out by the CDHO, including safe storage of charts.
How do I get paid for my services?
Your clients pay you.
For non-insured clients, you can accept e-transfers and/or set up your preferred POS payment method through numerous third-party companies (e.g., Stripe or Square). 
For insured clients, if you are a member of the
CDHA and part of the IPN, you can use your UIN on the standard claim forms for insurance payments. If you are a member with the ODHA, you can use your Registration number.
Cancellation and Payment Policy
In our effort to minimize cancellations and avoid the loss of any fees, you’ll receive a reminder email about your upcoming appointments. It will also contain a link for easy cancellations. Some important info to know:

     - Cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance
     - Cancelling within 48 hours of your booking will result in forfeiting your booking fees (not rental fees)
     - We cannot accommodate cancelling only a portion of your booked hours (e.g., you book from 8:00 to 12:00 but your 9:00 cancels)
     - A pre-authorization for the full rental fees will be charged to your card one day  prior to reservation
     - If we cannot successfully authorize the amount, your booking will be cancelled
     - Any “No-Shows” will result in the full rental fees being charged, with no refund
Can a Host Cancel my Booking?
Yes, a Host can cancel your booking, but must do so 7 days in advance.